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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadri : The Most Authentic Date of Milad is 12 Rabi-ul-Awal

.Some people claim that the exact date of birth of theProphet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is not known and hence there is little room for the celebration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal. Is this claim really has some weight? Well examine it briefly. Which Milad Date is Considered Most Authentic by Muslim Historians? I have heard about this objection many times, but have never found that on which basis they are confused about this date. I dont know which big names have they found negating this date, or which countries have they found who celebrate this on a different date. Most often quoted exception is of Mahmood Pasha Falaki Misri and a few of his supporters, who hold the day as 9 Rabi-ul-Awal. Other than that 12 Rabi-ul-Awal enjoys the status of Qol-e-Mukhtar (ie the most authentic saying) in this regard. 12 Rabi-ul-Awal is not only accepted as Milad Day from the classical and ancient scholars, it is also confirmed by the governments of the whole Islamic world. I personally checked the holidays of almost 2 dozen Islamic countries, and except Iran ALL other countries celebrate it on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal. Iran celebrates it on 17 Rabi-ul-Awal, but this is because they coincide it with the birth date of Imam Jafar Sadiq (علیھ السلام). So 12 Rabi-ul-Awal has been accepted as the Milad Day by the historians and scholars through all the ages, as well as by governments of all the Islamic countries. Opinion of Renowned Historians about the ...

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