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Friday, 7 December 2012

Fratricide In Allah's Name - 42 minute documentary - trailer

Watch the full film here: For more information or to buy the DVD, visit: One of the first reports to highlight government killings in Algeria's desperate civil war. Patrolling through the winding streets of the Kasbah market in Algiers, our police escort is increased from six to forty. It's Islamic territory: the walls smeared with slogans of the banned opposition FIS. People are too afraid to speak. But at a packed Algerian football stadium fans chant for exit visas so they can leave their strife-torn country. The Bishop of Algiers lights candles for monks abducted and killed near the city. The monastery lies in an area controlled by an extreme Islamic faction: the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Nearby, in Blida Police Station's 'Hero Room' we find hundreds of photos of officers assassinated in recent years. Lawyer Mohamed Tahri represents relatives of those believed murdered by the state security forces. In his waiting room mothers overcome their terror to speak out. At a funeral for one the security forces, also known as 'Exterminators', top politicians defy the Islamists and pay their respects. As President Zeroual clings desperately to power Algerians are worn down by a seemingly endless conflict.

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