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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Muslim Spain - الحضارة الأسلامية في الأندلس

During the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE - c.1258 CE) philosophers, scientists and engineers of the Islamic world contributed enormously to technology from Baghdad all the way over to Cordoba, both by preserving earlier traditions and by adding their own inventions and innovations. Scientific and intellectual achievements blossomed in Al-andalus modern-day Spain and Baghdad, Iraq. Infromation on inventions and technology were preserved in the Islamic Empire which was referred to as the golden age of Islam. 'Abd al-Rahman III was passionately interested in both the religious and the secular sciences. He was also determined to show the world that his court at Cordoba equaled in greatness that of the caliphs at Baghdad. Sparing neither time nor expense, he imported books from Baghdad and actively recruited scholars by offering hand some inducements. Soon, as a result, scholars, poets, philosophers, historians, and musicians began to migrate to al-Andalus. Soon, too, an infrastructure of libraries, hospitals, research institutions, and centers of Islamic studies grew up, establishing the intellectual tradition and educational system which made Spain outstanding for the next five hundred years. The Muslims were the root of this modern Technology, unforgettably after 500 years of control, the Muslims failed to hold onto being a superpower and that's when things started shifting to Europe's favor. Spanish crusaders started conquering weak Muslim lands in Northern Spain; then from ...